
Could you be
one of us?

Great talent is always in demand – smart people can work anywhere – so we work hard to create a magic blend of motivated colleagues and fantastic clients, hosted by a great business that you can feel proud to be part of.

We are a motivated team from diverse backgrounds, and we recognise that there are different ways of working.  We offer multiple, flexible pathways for you to join us and deliver work as part of this team.

Career Opportunities


Is your firm a specialist in a particular domain? Could you join us to help in delivering some great client work?If your role will be a major part of the engagement, Voronoi are open to alliances through which we could operate as a joint venture, sharing the workload.


If your firm is contributing a stream of work to an engagement, we can subcontract to you. This means that you work as part of our team and become an embedded part of the delivery team for the duration of the work stream.


For ‘Lone Ranger’ specialists, we can contract you for set durations. Voronoi offer above-industry standard rates and pay monthly with metronomic consistency. We have a great team for you to help with, and a strong culture of support and understanding


Come join the team on a more permanent basis! We are family-friendly and offer great resources, networks, and travel opportunities (COVID-permitting!). There are excellent channels to share work you bring in – help build your personal business AND your career.

Get In Touch

Think that you’d be a good fit for our team? We want to hear from you! To learn more about our career opportunities, or to express your interest in a role with Voronoi get in touch via